Table of Contents
美国食品体系应该为所有人提供健康、可持续生产的食物. Instead, it’s damaging our health, our land and water, our communities, and farmers and food workers themselves. We can do better.
What's at stake
食物是我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分. It nourishes our bodies, binds together communities, 并为数百万从事生产的人提供了良好的生活, distribute, and sell it. 它在做这一切的同时维持和再生它所依赖的资源.
At least, food should do all those things. 但目前的美国食品体系往往扮演着不同的、具有破坏性的角色. 它不仅不能保持我们的健康,还会助长糖尿病和心脏病的流行. Instead of supporting strong communities, it exploits workers, worsens racial and income inequality, and drains money from local economies. Instead of working with nature in a resilient, sustainable way, today’s dominant farming methods despoil the landscape, pollute air and water, and accelerate climate change.
好消息是,我们知道如何建立一个更好的食物系统——一个提供健康的食物系统, 可持续地为所有人生产粮食,并在系统的每个阶段公平对待每个人. A growing movement of farmers, workers, scientists, 社区活动人士和食客正在努力使这一愿景成为现实. UCS is part of this movement—and you can help.
Get involved
What you can do:
Vote for change with your wallet
仅凭消费者的选择不足以改变这个体系,但它们可以有所帮助. Where possible, you can vote for sustainability by buying organic produce and dairy; for fairness to workers by buying certified fair fruits and vegetables; and for strong rural communities by buying from local and regional farmers.
Eat less meat, especially beef
在今天的食物系统中,牲畜对我们的617888九五至尊娱乐排放负有相当大的责任. 一个普通的四口之家将肉类摄入量减少一半,每年将减少大约三吨的排放量,并享有更好的健康作为奖励.
Support better food policies
我对加州大学洛杉矶分校的感激之处在于,他们正在关注农业法案,而不是通过一项政策, but across lots of different issues. 这有助于推动一项广泛的法案通过终点线. They’re a big picture organization.